Rain Soul(元气) Translate

Wednesday, 2 October 2013



Don’t risk your life and money with Cheap Below Cost RAIN SOUL Product found at "LE-LONG FLEA MARKET".
Always buy direct Online with Our Rain International Distributors.

These unknown Sellers operate from makeshift stalls, online shops and even public places such as void decks, markets and coffee shops. Such cheap below cost Rain SOUL are also sold by word of mouth through friend or acquaintances as the more boxes they buy the cheaper the price.

But tragically, these boxes of Rain Soul may be in Old Packaging, Expiring soon date, repacked into 10-20 sachets per box (original Rain Soul is 28 sachets per box). And the worst is the boxes were stored in the Boot of the Van under the Hot Sunny SUN for long period of time. All Nutrition ingredients contain in the Rain SOUL pack is heated up and loosing its effects and could cause severe reactions to our body or even no reaction at all.

Consuming  Cheap Below Cost Rain SOUL from dubious sources is a waste of your Money and Not Save your Money. Think Twice before you buy from them.

Always Join or Order online Direct From Our Qualified Rain International Distributors.
Because buying from us, the boxes are freshly packed and placed in a cooling environment in our Rain International HQ Logistic Store. And is waiting to deliver right to your doorstep in every part of the World.


To learn more about the product / where to buy/ how to be a Rain Global Distributor . Feel Free to contact Our Rain Elite Distributors below.  

For Rain Singapore Opportunity:

WhatsApp or LINE:  KK , +65 9633 9580
 Email : rainonkk@gmail.com 
Rain User ID : 84487 

WhatsApp or LINE: Ms Helen , +65 9272 9510
 Email : icyblur@gmail.com 
Rain User ID : 134543

For Rain West Malaysia Opportunity:

 WhatsApp or LINE:   Mr Wesley , +60 13 630 3093
 Email :  wesleylsk@gmail.com
Rain User ID : 143523

For Rain East Malaysia Opportunity :

Viber or WhatsApp :  Caleb Choo , +61 448 812 586
 Email : seedoilnow@gmail.com 

For Rain Indonesia Opportunity:

Viber or WhatsApp :  Caleb Choo , +61 448 812 586
 Email : seedoilnow@gmail.com 

For Rain United States, Canada, Europe Opportunity:

Viber or WhatsApp :  Caleb Choo , +61 448 812 586
 Email : seedoilnow@gmail.com 

For Rain Philippine and Thailand Opportunity : Open Beginning of 2014. 

To All Philippine Readers who wanted to be Rain Global Distributor, this is your chance to be the Pioneer of the Pioneer in your own country. Free Delivery of Product during this 
Prelaunch Period. Don't Wait, Click Below to Join My Team.

WhatsApp or LINE:  KK , +65 9633 9580
 Email : rainonkk@gmail.com 
Rain User ID : 84487

Viber or WhatsApp :  Caleb Choo , +61 448 812 586
 Email : seedoilnow@gmail.com 

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